Indiana Association for Career and Technical Education
What is Indiana ACTE?
The Indiana Association for Career and Technical Education (IN-ACTE) aims to promote and build career and technical education for Hoosier students who will one day become leaders in the workforce.
Indiana ACTE works to create support for CTE, while assisting educators with developing quality programs to boost Career and Technical Education.
Our career pathways are challenging and relevant to career and technical content, providing opportunities for students to gain dual college credit and prepare for life beyond secondary and post-secondary school. Indiana ACTE focuses on providing high-wage and high-skill opportunities for in-demand careers.

80% of students taking a college prep academic curriculum combined with rigorous CTE meet college and career readiness goals.
CTE students are more likely to report problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking skills developed during high school.
Students from CTE high schools have higher rates of on-time graduation and
credit accumulation.
CTE includes 16 Career Clusters comprising more than 79 pathways.
Architecture & Construction
Government and Public Administration
Law, Public Safety, and Security
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
Arts, A/V Technology, & Communications
Health Science
Human Services
Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
Information Technology
Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics
Business Management & Administration
Hospitality and Tourism
Education and Training
Get Involved
Become a member of ACTE and get access to professional development perks, CTE resources, conferences, and more!
Do you ever feel like you have more to offer? Maybe you want to use your knowledge to impact the lives of others who could benefit from learning about your career field.
Indiana ACTE is currently involved in legislative efforts and policy work on issues affecting career and technical education in the CTE community.